Expanding the Verified Badge to More Experience Creators

The Roblox Staff Ashvin announced an expansion to the Verified Badge Program, which will open eligibility to 50% more experienced creators in the Roblox community than are currently eligible.

So they are expanding the criteria for experience creators.

to include notable and influential developers who have meaningfully contributed to a top group or experience.

We’ve been listening to your feedback and have been hard at work to make the Verified Badge more inclusive of the different types of notable creators that should be recognized for their contributions to the community. The criteria expansion now includes notable creators such as an owner and top contributor of a verified group who is well-known in the community or a co-developer of a popular experience who is a key contributor but does not own the experience.

With the new criteria, we will look for authentic creators who meet the following:

  1. Owners of top experiences by hours of engagement
  2. Key contributors to top experiences are measured by hours of engagement with high platform following

As we mentioned in the initial launch, the Verified Badge makes it easy to identify notable and authentic creators on Roblox. Creators who meet the criteria also need to show they’re authentic by being ID-verified (215 and by enabling 2SV through the Authenticator App (202). They will also need to be active on the platform by having logged into their account in the last 6 months.

Highlighting notable community members helps people know they are interacting with genuine accounts and adds an important layer of confidence and clarity for everyone on Roblox. As always, the badge is predominantly a visual indicator meant to help address impersonation and does not influence content recommendations for new or unverified creators.

Your feedback is crucial to our process! The criteria changes above have expanded the pool of notable developers, leading to more creators getting verified! Let us know in the comments what you think and if there’s anything you want to see in the future. For more information, please refer to our Verified Badge FAQs 351.

Thank you.

Main Source:
• Devforum - Expanding Verified Badge to more Experience Creators

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